Any breach in skin integrity results in wounds, which may lead to the disruption of one or more functions as well as pain, discomfort and possible infection. It is usual to use skin grafts to treat wounds while wounds are extensive, unsuitable for closure by suturing, or are likely to cause physical or psychological problems through scarring. Split-thickness skin grafting is the most frequently used reconstructive technique to repair wounds caused by various acute and chronic situations. The wound created after harvesting the skin is called the donor site wound (DSW).
It is suggested that TWB-103 can serve as a “stimulus” or “aid” to wound healing process (i.e. hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling) through the production of cytokines and growth factors by the live cells. Additionally, TWB-103 provides wound site a number of matrix proteins that may play key structural roles in skin healing.
Transwell Biotech has received IND approval from Taiwan’s TFDA and Japan’s PMDA in 2017 for conducting a Phase I/II clinical study: “TWB-103 for Adult Patients with Split-Thickness Skin Graft Donor Site Wounds” in Taiwan and Japan. This is the first clinical trial employing TWB-103 as the investigational product.