Message From Chairman
Compassion to population suffering from various diseases is the driving force of dedicating time, effort, and expertise to design and develop regenerative medicine products in Transwell Biotech. The management team and all of the staffs believe that, we can make a difference by introducing advanced biotechnology to reduce such sufferings.
Pharmaceutical industry has been employing technologies, such as chemical engineering, protein engineering, and recently, cell biology and tissue engineering, to generate thousands of medicines available nowadays. Here in Transwell Biotech, we try to use human cells and various technologies to mimic the physiological characteristics and activities that inherited from human ancestors.
Our preliminary achievements are encouraging! Several products derived from human fibroblast cells have exhibited therapeutic potential in wound healing, as well as facilitating cell growth and expansion in the laboratory. Those products, once well-developed and approved by the authorities, will greatly reduce sufferings and eventually, enhance health of human beings!
My colleagues and I will continuously keep such compassion during our daily operation. We hope such compassion will also lead to exceeding expectations of all of our stakeholders in the short time to come!